(Udithamal Hemachandra)

Training with an international standard on social responsibility that goes beyond ethics in reporting sensitive events is essential for all journalists today. That training should be received from top professionals who have a wealth of practical knowledge about the use of world media rather than from Sri Lankan teachers. The news of a woman being killed, brought in a suitcase and abandoned is reported to be very tragic. All the journalists who tasted and sold it did not even bother to censor their own accountability. I once stopped reporting the most disgusting news about a serious child abuse. That was totally my opinion and all the reporters in the news section were of the same opinion. Our general conclusion was that the relevant accused should only be produced in court and remanded in custody. Released the next day. We arrived at the office as usual. The first shot was fired by our security uncle. "Mahaththayala (Sir) did not show that scene yesterday, did he? It must have happened to that little boy before. Yesterday it was all shown on that channel. A little later in the afternoon I met an owl in our marketing in the car park. "Machan lighter little day" Ado The scene of that little one was missed in our news right? (Missed) That is, a seller's reading of the fact that we do not report the relevant information. During the evening tea, he shared with us the wonderful experience of one of our correspondents who went to an evening press conference. The driver of the vehicle in which he went to the press conference has said that it was a great mistake and a mistake not to broadcast the relevant news on our channel. Our driver also said that he was very embarrassed in front of the drivers of other media outlets. In the evening a woman on the President's staff told me, "We watched all the real details of that incident from another channel." They reported it excellent. All of these ideas are very reasonable. They all think that it is the "right way" to report raw places that need to be touched very slowly in a sensitive event. Society sees it as a "mistake" for us not to report that sensitive information. Or as a shortcoming of our channel. Society must also understand that exposure to such sensitivities is "very wrong" and that not socializing them is "very right" or that the one who does wrong is good and the one who does good is wrong. The society should also throw the first stone at the one who sells filth. This is the same for the innocent people queuing at the bars that opened a month later.